Straight from Austria

Sitter i trappen utanför vår EGNA LÄGENHETSVÅNING (!!!!!) med Franco och kollar facebook för första gången på en vecka... Hahaha.
Nu ska Franco blogga: 
still surviving after 7 days away from stockholm, trying to live in a wild life doing snowboarding, partying and living without parents, actually is kinda cool, but sometimes is really repetitive, anyway what it really counts is that I´m having fun around with the guys and with the cutie silvia :3 , we´re looking forward to play poker tonight (PLEASE PLEASE!!) and to have a chill night, because tomorrow is when we take the shit out of us >(LET´S GET SHIT FACE :D) , then we have to get ready to leave back to Budapest and then take our plane back to Stockholm :(
Anyway I think I´m stealing sylvia´s blog for a paragraph and a half...
Nu tänker jag gå in och väcka de andra pojkarna för jag är hungrig.

Postat av: The Flying Whale

Shit faced*

inte shit face

2012-03-27 @ 23:43:34

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